One self report questionnaire that has been validated for use with older adults is. The functional independence measure fim scale is a basic indicator of patient disability. A manual for using the functional assessment rating scale fars florida version 199899, with text revisions 2004 introduction. Npds nursing dependency scalenpcna care needs assessment. Pdf functional independence measure minimum data set motor. Fim is used to track the changes in the functional ability of a patient during an episode of hospital rehabilitation care. Her global perspective, clarity of thought, and emphasis on the importance of the research findings has ensured that the system will be of the highest quality. Prudent consumers generally seek this type of information to select providers who meet standards of. The patientspecific functional scale this useful questionnaire can be used to quantify activity limitation and measure functional outcome for patients with any orthopaedic condition.
Katz index of independence in activities of daily living adl. They have been developed by asha to describe the different aspects of a patients functional. Fim scale fill out and sign printable pdf template signnow. Functional independence measure fim assessment overview assessment area icf domain.
The functional independence measure fim was developed in 1983 in a collaboration between the american congress of rehabilitation medicine and the american academy of physical medicine and rehabilitation headed by carl granger and byron hamilton 7. Psychology definition of functional independence measure fim. May 2003 functional independence measurement fim installation guide, version 1. Measuring function for medicare inpatient rehabilitation. Functional independence measure form free pdf file sharing. The functional independence measure fim scale assesses physical and. The functional independence measure for children weefim was developed based on the fimsm instrument to assess disability in children aged six months to seven years.
For example, none of the current measures assesses fine motor functioning apart from that which may be implied. The functional independence measure fim is an assessment tool that aims to evaluate the functional status of patients throughout the rehabilitation process following a stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury or cancer. Nepnag, the fim functional independence measure scale, the functional. The functional independent measurement fim is a scale which assesses patients level of disability at admission, during rehabilitation, and upon discharge. Its area of use can include skilled nursing facilities and hospitals aimed at acute, subacute and rehabilitation care. Fim is comprised of 18 items, grouped into 2 subscales motor and cognition. The functional independence measure fim scale assesses. Irfpai training manual revised 011602 the process of taking a wellknown clinical tool and making it the basis of a national prospective payment system. Its reliability and validity have been studied, and normative data are available for american children.
Comparing the functional independence measure and the. Katz index of independence in activities of daily living. Welcome to the updated function page, current as of august 2018. The functional independence measure fim is often considered the gold standard for assessing basic activities of daily living ex. Functional independence measure fim the fim was developed in 1983 by a task force created by the american congress of rehabilitation medicine and the american academy of physical medicine and rehabilitation headed by carl granger and byron hamilton. Functional independence measure synonyms, functional independence measure pronunciation, functional independence measure translation, english dictionary definition of functional independence measure. The tool is used to assess a patients level of disability as well as change in patient status in response to rehabilitation or medical intervention. The functional independence measure fim is an 18item measurement tool that explores an individuals physical, psychological and social function. Each of the 18 items are scored on a seven point scale, ranging from independent to 7independent. Functional independence measurement fim installation guide. For a variety of economic, political, and humanitarian reasons, it is important to ensure the quality and. Both the amount and intensity of the cueing must be considered in scoring an fcm.
Short forms development and precision comparison in veterans, archives of physical medicine and. The fim can be used for measuring disability in a wide range of conditions. This scale is useful in clinical settings of rehabilitation. Thus, a locally validated weefim instrument should be adopted for chinese children. Factor analysis of fim on admission, vascular brain damage patients n75. Ability of functional independence measure to accurately. For a variety of economic, political, and humanitarian reasons, it is important to ensure the quality and effectiveness of our full range of healthcare services. Results for functional independence measure 1 10 of 84 sorted by relevance date click export csv or ris to download the entire page or use the checkboxes to select a subset of records to download. Functional communication measures introduction the functional communication measures fcms are a series of sevenpoint rating scales, ranging from least functional level 1 to most functional level 7. Click export csv or ris to download the entire page or use the checkboxes to select a subset of records to download. The current form structure represents the version of fim developed between 1984 and 1987 by a national task force sponsored by the american academy of physical medicine and.
Measuring function for medicare inpatient rehabilitation payment. Functional independence measure fim the fim is an 18item, seven level ordinal scale. Personlevel of functional independence, functional. Copyright 1997 uniform data system for medical rehabilitation, a division of ub foundation activities. The weefim instrument is potentially an internationally useful instrument. Each item is scored on a 7 point ordinal scale ranging from 1 total dependence to a score of 7 total independence. Functional independence measure fim spinal cord injury. Pdf the dimensionality of functional independence measure fim. It consists of 18 items, divided over 2 dimensions. The fim is an 18item, clinicianreported scale that assesses function in six areas. Since january 1, 2002, items from the fim are recorded in the irf patient assessment instrument pai and, in combination with information on impairment, age, and.
An alternative system has been developed by the interrai consortium. It is an 18item performance measurement system that documents selfcare, functional mobility, and cognitive abilities. Children 0 to 4 years both in america and hong kong. The functional independence measure fim was developed to address the issues of sensitivity and comprehensiveness that were criticized as being problematic with the barthel index another measure of functional independence.
Pdf functional independence measure minimum data set. The functional independence measure fim instrument is a basic indicator of patient disability. The fim was also developed to offer a uniform system of measurement for disability based on the international classification of impairment. Complete at the end of the history and prior to physical examination. The fim instrument comprises 18 items, each of which is assessed against a seven point ordinal scale, where the higher the score for an item, the more independently the patient is able to perform the tasks assessed by that item. Feb 29, 2016 the functional independence measure fim was developed in 1983 in a collaboration between the american congress of rehabilitation medicine and the american academy of physical medicine and rehabilitation headed by carl granger and byron hamilton 7. It is the product of an effort to resolve the long standing problem of lack of uniform measurement and data on disability and rehabilitation outcomes.
The spinal cord independence measure scimiii14 and functional independence measure fim4 focus on a greater breadth of physical functioning, but this breadth does not necessarily cover all aspects of physical functioning. Functional independence measure fimz instrument admission discharge followup selfcare a. The functional independence measure fim has historically been used for care planning and quality measurement in many u. The functional assessment measure does not stand alone but adds 12 fam items to the fim. Functional independence measure fim flashcards quizlet. The katz index of independence in activities of daily living, commonly referred to as the katz adl, is the most appropriate instrument to assess functional status as a measurement of the clients ability to perform activities of daily living independently. Functional independence measure definition of functional. Fssicu categories were rated using the functional independence measure rating scale of 0 to 7.
The fim was carefully designed and developed with the consensus of the us national. The functional independence measure fim is widely used and accepted as a functionallevel assessment tool that. The functional independence measure fim is an 18item measurement tool. Fim as a summated rating scale within context of the 20 impairment categories of the fimfunction.
Questions on the unidimensionality of the fim motor scale have been raised. The weefim is a measure of functional ability that can be used for typically developing children, aged 6 months through 7 years, as well as children over 7 years with disabilities and delays in functional development. For example, do not assume that a level 5 on one scale is comparable to a level 5 on a different scale. Functional independence measure an overview sciencedirect. Functional independence measure scores of patients with. To improve the practical use of the short forms sfs. The scoring considers the use of adaptive equipment andor the extent of personal assistance or supervision required to complete the task. The functional independence measure fim is widely used and accepted as a functional level assessment tool that evaluates the functional status of patients. The functional independence measure archives of physical. Patient function is assessed using the fim instrument at the start of a.
Children 0 to aug 01, 2018 functional change is a key outcome measure of rehabilitation episodes. Functional independence measure rehabmeasures database. The functional independence measure for children weefim is an 18item, sevenlevel ordinal scale instrument used to assess a childs typical and consistent performance. The ability to quantify the functional ability of poststroke patients engaged in a rehabilitation program may assist in prediction of their functional outco me. Short versions of the telephone motor functional independence. Functional independence measure the functional independence measure fim scale assesses physical and cognitive disability. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Hentschel 2015 can we forget the minimental state examination. Thus, data from 340 patients involved in post stroke rehabilitation. Some of the items scored include selfcare, sphincter control, mobility, locomotion. Functional communication measures fcms speechlanguage. The selfcare domain includes 8 items eating, grooming. Pdf on oct 2, 2018, ladislav valach and others published the dimensionality of functional independence.
Clinical utility of the functional status score for the. Fim scale pdf fill online, printable, fillable, blank pdffiller. Scoring items are scored on the level of assistance required for an individual to perform activities. The functional independence measure fimr is an outcome measure of the severity of disability for an inpatient rehabilitation setting.
Sign, fax and printable from pc, ipad, tablet or mobile with pdffiller. The functional independence measure fim is an 18item global measure of disability. Results for functional independence measure 1 10 of 84 sorted by relevance date. Functional independence measure for children weefim a prel. It rates 18 activities of daily living on a 7 point scale ranging from fully dependent 1 to independent with no aids 7. Functional independence measure minimum data set motor item bank. Functional independence measure weefim for chinese children. The functional independence measure fim is an instrument which indicates a patients disability level. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of pr in patients with severe rf using fim scale that measures the degree of disability experienced. Functional independence measure tm and functional assessment measure brain injury scale. Mar 2017 functional independence measurement fim user manual, version 1. Functional independence measurement fim user manual.
Short forms development and precision comparison in veterans, archives of physical medicine and rehabilita tion 2017, doi. The fim was also developed to offer a uniform system of measurement for disability based on the international. In 2014, the improving medicare postacute care transformation act of 2014 impact act pub. Our study demonstrated that weefim could be used as a functional independence measure for chinese children. The functional independence measure fim is a global measure of disability and can be. Start studying functional independence measure fim. Functional independence measure for children springerlink.